Wood Energy

Pellet prices considerably higher in Western Europe on a year ago

  Due to the Ukraine war, around 10% of pellets are missing on the world market. This primarily affects [...]

Will the production of wood pellets be stopped in Russia due to sanctions?

    Starting July 10, the Russian wood pellet exports to Europe will be completely stopped. From this [...]

Moelven is investing in a pellet factory in Karlskoga

The pellet factory is planned to be put into operation in 2024 and will be built at Moelven Valåsen [...]

Russia reduces production of wood pellets by 10% due to lack of export markets

At the end of 2021, about 2.5 million tons of wood fuel pellets were produced in Russia. However, in [...]

No sales market for Russian pellet exporters starting July

From July 10, the Russian wood pellet exports to Europe, the main market for Russian companies, will be completely stopped [...]

Strong demand in Finland’s timber market as imports collapse; wood prices will rise

Finland's wood market has begun to pick up in recent weeks. Purchase volumes and prices of wood have risen [...]

UK wood pellet market looking for new suppliers

Changes to global supply chains brought on by the crisis in Ukraine, as well as increased demand across Europe, have [...]

German pellet prices higher by 80% yoy

The war-related effects on energy policy can also be felt on the pellet market, where there is still no [...]

Sweden: Vida’s sawmills running at full capacity

    Reduced supply, increased demand and higher prices. The pattern is recognizable from many industries right now [...]

German sawmill industry feels the effects of the war, especially in terms of energy prices

With a survey, the German Sawmill and Wood Industry Association (DeSH) asked its member companies about the current and expected [...]