Wood Energy

Germany: Softwood lumber prices between boom and crisis – forecast 2023

Despite the construction crisis and the economic crisis, wood prices in Germany have held up surprisingly well. The prices for [...]

One of the largest sawmill companies in Russia to stop all wood pellet production

ULK Group, the largest sawmill company in the Northwest of Russia, will stop all of its pellet production facilities due [...]

Prices of wood pellets continue to fall in Germany

Prices for wood pellets have fallen further in November and have now been following a pronounced downward trend since the [...]

Concern that increased Turkish wood pellet exports originate from Russia

The European-Union (EU)-imposed ban on imports of woody biomass from Russia has resulted in a seven-fold spike [...]

Emerging hardwood market challenges and opportunities in Europe

    The sawn hardwood trade in Europe experienced a period of unprecedented demand and good margins in [...]

Pellet prices in Germany fall drastically

Pellet prices fell in Germany to €555/t in the second week of November. This means that wood pellets now [...]

Wood industry at COP 27: Combining climate protection and business

    At the COP 27 UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, Austria's timber [...]

Mood in the German timber industry has improved slightly in October

After a temporary low point at the start of autumn, the mood in the German timber industry improved in October [...]

Low pellet fuel supply in Europe creates supply shock

    Reduced pellet supplies in Western Europe and the U.K. resulting from sanctions on Russia has [...]

Germany: Sharp fall in wood pellet prices

In October, the prices for wood pellets in Germany fell by more than 100 euros per ton. And there is [...]