Industry Prices

Rise in New Zealand prices for exported logs

The CFR sale price for A grade logs in China remained in the mid US$120s range per m3. At [...]

Södra adjusts the prices for pulpwood due to oversupply

    The supply of pulp in Sweden and in the rest of Europe is high, which has [...]

2020 global wood pellet market forecast

The biomass market faces unprecedented demand levels in 2020, with upcoming base-load power generation capacity due to add around [...]

Chinese log market seriously impacted by the European bark beetle crisis

    The price for an A grade log in the China log market has remained around USD [...]

Rising pellet prices in Germany

The price of wood pellets in Germany increased by 1.3% as compared to the previous month. The current nationwide [...]

2020 trends in the global lumber market

    In North America at least, 2019 will be remembered as the hangover from the 2018 first [...]

Europe is now the second largest supplier of softwood logs to China

- China is increasing importation of logs from New Zealand and Europe, while diminishing imports from North America and Russia  [...]

Brexit has dangerous consequences for the UK plywood market

“Brexit has been awful for the market, with uncertainty affecting demand, projects delayed and households deferring spending,” said a UK [...]

The market outlook for OSB in China is optimistic despite current downturn

Industry insiders in China pointed out that due to the downturn in the Chinese housing market this year, the OSB [...]