Canadian softwood lumber market outlook in 2020/2021
The main driver for Canadian softwood lumber production is not domestic consumption, but rather exports— and exports to the US [...]
October 19, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood Construction / North America
Sawmills in Sweden defy coronavirus crisis
Current situation of the Swedish forest industry Swedish demand for sawn wood products has decreased by [...]
October 16, 2020
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Europe
Market slowdown in Finland caused reduced timber prices
Slowdown in the timber market reduced timber prices in Finland Ongoing quiet year will turn into [...]
October 16, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Europe
Global hardwood, softwood prices fell in Q2/2020
Wood raw-material costs fell for most pulp manufacturers throughout the world in the 2Q/20, reducing fiber price indices [...]
October 16, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Asia & Middle East / Australia and Pacific Region / China / Europe / North America / Russia
International Softwood Conference 2020: The Covid-19 pandemic impact on the softwood market
On 8 October 2020 the 68th edition of the International Softwood Conference was held for the [...]
October 15, 2020
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood Construction / Asia & Middle East / China / Europe / North America / Russia
Finland: Sawmills struggle to pay for raw materials due to low export prices of lumber
Almost 500 million cubic meters of lumber were produced worldwide last year, of which almost three quarters were coniferous lumber [...]
October 15, 2020
Companies in the timber industry / Latest Trends / ...Market Analysis / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Europe
Lumber prices high across BC as mills struggle to meet demand
Increased demand and a lack of supply have sent lumber prices soaring across British Columbia, while lumber mills work at [...]
October 15, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / North America
North American lumber, panel prices expected to remain high for several years
Forest product market analysts expect prices for lumber and building panels in North America will remain [...]
October 13, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / North America
Finland’s sawnwood to face falling exports and prices this year due to corona crisis
Demand for sawnwood has recovered since the beginning of the year, but this year Finnish exports [...]
October 13, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Europe
Current prices for Brazilian exports of tropical logs, sawnwood and plywood
In August this year Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 25 [...]
October 13, 2020
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood-based Panels / South America