Industry Prices

Canfor reports an an all-time record results for its lumber segment

    The first of B.C.'s three forestry majors released third quarter financial results Thursday that [...]

Prices for New Zealand’s exported logs on the rise as demand in China is strong

Domestic demand for logs and sawn timber in New Zealand remains strong with regional differences in log supply and demand [...]

Downward trend in roundwood prices in Sweden continues in Q3/2020

    The trend of decreasing delivery roundwood prices continued during the third quarter of 2020 in Sweden [...]

Strong demand for logs in China due to busy construction season

Log inventory in China has increased about 300k m3 in the last month to around 4.6m m3, with congestion [...]

European lumber exporters expanding sales outside Europe

European lumber exporters have expanded their sales overseas from 30% to 45% over the past ten years, with Asia receiving [...]

US lumber prices down 20% since September

Framing lumber prices in US peaked above $950 per thousand board feet in mid-September, according to Random Lengths, and [...]

Low impact of corona crisis on the Latvian sawmill industry

Log supply in Latvia hasn't suffered any changes since the 2nd quarter of 2020. Latvian State Forests (which owns [...]

Impact of corona crisis on the Austria’s sawmill industry

At the beginning of 2020 there was an undersupply of roundwood in Austria. The unlucky combination of high imports, an [...]

Covid-19 and damaged wood, two major challenges of the German sawmill industry

In the German economy, Corona has led to a severe slump. The gross domestic product (GDP) in the 2nd quarter [...]

Prices of roundwood under pressure in Estonia

Stilll under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the price pressure of the bark beetle infestation in Central [...]