Industry Prices

Current export prices for Brazilian tropical logs, sawnwood and plywood

In October 2020, the value of Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 32% compared to [...]

Prices for imported softwood timber rise sharply in China

Market demand recovery, the ban on imports of Australian logs and rising ocean freight rates have recently triggered a sharp [...]

What will be the trend of wood prices in N. America in 2021?

    In 2020, the North American lumber prices have gone in unexpected ways while coming out from [...]

Good Chinese demand for New Zealand logs; prices on the rise

    Domestic demand for New Zealand logs and sawn timber remains strong with domestic sales of sawn [...]

Log and lumber demand in India expected to recover starting December

Manufacturing and construction has remained quiet in India until late November due to the Diwali festival. Economists suggest this may [...]

U.S. DoC reduces tariffs for Canadian lumber producers

The U.S. Department of Commerce on Tuesday reduced its penalties against imports of Canadian lumber, primarily from B.C [...]

China: Upward trend in purchase prices of European spruce logs

Softwood log inventory in China has reduced by approximately 17% over the last month to 3.6m m3.   [...]

Roundwood prices in Finland rise in September

The average price for pine logs in Finland was EUR 55.2 per cubic metre, and the price for spruce [...]

US lumber prices on the rise again against normal seasonal slowdown

US lumber futures have rallied in November, fueled by strong home construction and remodeling activity amid the pandemic.   [...]

Bark beetle damaged volume in Europe expected to be at the same levels as in 2019

Damaged volume due to the beetle infestation exceeded 50 million m3 in 2018. The epidemic worsened in 2019, with damaged [...]