Industry Prices

Finnish sawlog prices on the rise in December 2020

    Roundwood trade in Finland was very active in December, as recorded trade ended up to 4 [...]

New Zealand log export prices to China at high levels

Due to the current ban on all Australian softwood imports into the country, a monthly supply gap of about 400 [...]

Softwood sawlog prices in Sweden on the rise as demand from sawmills booms

    In Central Sweden, state-owned Sveaskog raises the purchase price for softwood sawlogs from 18 January [...]

Södra increases timber prices

The high demand for timber continues. That is why Södra is now raising the price for spruce timber, pine [...]

Russian roundwood price overview in November 2020

    The price for softwood sawlogs in Russia have continued to increase during November 2020, despite the [...]

Demand for softwood logs in China expected to rise as inventories shrink

China has come out of the Covid crisis with a huge amount of infrastructure spending which has, in turn, created [...]

Rising sawlog prices in Austria as sawmill industry runs at full speed

The current sales opportunities for Austrian sawn and laminated timber products on the global markets are optimal in January. Prices [...]

Global sawlog prices on the rise due to sharp recovery in trade

Global log trade made a comeback in the third quarter of the year following two quarters of weak performances. Most [...]

Indian log and lumber import market uncertain

Sentiment from log buyers in Kandla is turning negative, with reports of four vessels to load from Uruguay, one from [...]

Global wood fiber price indices moved up in the 3Q/20

In the 3Q 2020, the Global Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) was up by 1.6% to $81.17/odmt [...]