Industry Prices

US lumber price has fallen below $400

Last Friday, the price of framing lumber fell to $399 per thousand board feet, according to Random Lengths. That marks [...]

Chinese timber demand on the rise in mid-August as construction activity heats up

In early August, China's timber demand has started to pick up. The rainy weather in many regions of the [...]

Canada’s lumber giants to lose huge profit gains as demand recedes

  North American lumber producers are expected to see a dip in current-quarter profit after lumber demand for [...]

China: Sharp rise in value of log imports in H1/2021

According to China Customs, log imports in the first half of 2021 totalled 31.26 million cubic metres valued at [...]

Swiss roundwood prices remain low despite boom in lumber

The Swiss wood market has been out of joint for months. Above all, the prices for lumber have practically exploded [...]

N. American lumber dealers report excess stock as prices cool

Supply conditions in the US lumber market have shifted rapidly as prices have normalized, with 49% of dealers saying they [...]

North American lumber prices plummet all the way back to 2018 levels

    This spring lumber prices went on a historic run—shooting up over 300%—but that's [...]

EU’s plywood imports rebound strongly since September last year

Latest analysis of Eurostat figures underlines the recent volatile conditions in the EU and UK plywood trade. Total EU+UK [...]

Prices of imported lumber at main Chinese timber distribution markets in August 2021

    The below index contains the latest update (August 2021) for prices of lumber from three major [...]

Sharp increase in plywood prices in Europe

In terms of source of plywood supply in Europe, China is reported to be keeping up with demand, albeit with [...]