Industry Prices

US lumber: Post-bubble prices under further pressure

US lumber futures continued to fall over the past few months as weakening housing markets in major economies amid rising [...]

Global economic slowdown overshadows near-term market outlook for the wood industry

Most countries in the world are experiencing slower economic growth or economic contraction. Certainly, those with global influence are performing [...]

Latvia: Wood prices have reached a temporary low, no further falls expected

    Latvian wood processing company SIA "Kronus" predicts for the fourth quarter of 2022 that wood prices [...]

Estonia: Softwood log prices continue to fall in Q3/2022

    The ongoing war in Europe and the energy crisis caused by Russia have led to abnormal [...]

Global trade of softwood lumber down 10%

Global trade of softwood lumber fell about 10% in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period in [...]

UK: Uncertain timber market conditions expected in 2023

    The Timber Development UK (TDUK) annual market conference in central London was unequivocal in its message [...]

German softwood lumber prices down 21% in September

The current situation in the German timber market is still fragile, largely dependent on the growing demand for timber brought [...]

Low pellet fuel supply in Europe creates supply shock

    Reduced pellet supplies in Western Europe and the U.K. resulting from sanctions on Russia has [...]

Disruptions in global trade of lumber and logs due Ukraine war

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24th came as a shock to many in Europe [...]

Softwood log prices in Latvia continue to rise in Q3/2022

From July 2022 to September 2022, the price of softwood log assortments has continued to rise in the Latvian wood [...]