Industry Prices

U.S. sawmill production fails to meet housing demand for lumber

Insufficient production is causing an unprecedented spike in US lumber prices as sawmill output fails to keep up with consumer [...]

EU plywood market outlook: import prices rise sharply

    In Q1-Q3 2021, plywood import prices in the EU jumped by 26% compared to 2020 [...]

Germany’s timber industry has positive market expectations for 2022

A survey of member companies of the German Timber Trade Federation (GD Holz) paints a rather positive picture of market [...]

Chinese timber import market faces a complicated 2022

    At the beginning of the new year, the Chinese timber industry is waiting for the market [...]

Rising roundwood prices in Finland

    Spruce logs prices in Finland reached an average of EUR 65.2 per cubic metre in [...]

Austrian demand for softwood sawlogs goes up in January 2022

    Austria's sawmills are currently still largely sufficiently stocked with needle saw logs. Now that production [...]

German wood prices: 50 percent more money for spruce logs

German forest owners received around 50 percent more money for spruce logs in November. Overall, raw wood prices for producers [...]

Why N. American lumber prices have nearly tripled again?

Simple economics popped the lumber bubble last year. Once the price of lumber topped $1,515 per thousand board feet [...]

China’s pine logs and lumber imports – only through designated ports

    The quarantine requirement for imported pine (Pinus spp) wood (including logs and lumber) from countries where [...]

CEPI urges EU leaders to swiftly act against unbearably high energy prices

Together with other energy-intensive industries, the Confederation of the European Paper Industry (CEPI) is calling on EU leaders to [...]