Industry Prices

Timber prices up 35% in Europe with further rises likely due to war pressure

    European market prices for certain timber products are up 35% as a result of the Ukraine [...]

European log and lumber supply to China expected to drop in the upcoming years

    Harvesting in Europe may have reached peak levels and reductions in softwood logs from Europe due [...]

Current state of China’s log import market

While it appears that the upward pressure on shipping prices has abated, the China log demand has come off  from [...]

France: Historic moment for the oak market as demand is unprecedented

  For the oak market in France the current moment is historic as it has never reached such a [...]

Estonia: Ongoing timber shortage as 30% of supply is now missing

      Due to the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus, Estonia is missing 30 percent [...]

Australian timber industry could be hardly hit if government imposes sanctions on Russian imports

The Australian timber and construction industry fears more risk to its lumber supply chain if the government imposes sanctions on [...]

German timber industry expecting tough times due to ongoing supply chain problems

The war in Ukraine causes the business climate index in the German timber industry to fall drastically. The current order [...]

N. American lumber prices under pressure

     Lumber futures are coming under pressure as the housing market gets more restrictive for new buyers [...]

Rise in spruce log prices eases in Germany

    In January 2022, the German producer price indices for spruce only partially continued the upward trend [...]

US South supply to help contain lumber price increases in coming years

The US lumber market remains highly volatile, but the supply chain continues to ramp up production to meet demand, which [...]