Industry Prices

Germany: Wood pellet prices more than double over a year ago

    Germany's current demand for wood pellets is higher than ever. This applies to pellet heating [...]

Belgium: Worries about availability of wood; prices on the rise

Wood traders in Belgium are currently experiencing an unusually high demand for firewood. The reason for this is the high [...]

Log demand in China remains weak at the moment

China softwood log inventory has remained stable at about 5.0M. Daily port log offtake has dropped to around 60 [...]

German lumber prices start to fall in summer; autumn evolution uncertain

    After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, timber prices rose sharply in most parts of [...]

European lawmakers battle over whether to limit wood pellets for energy

A European Parliament effort to roll back policies and subsidies that encourage burning wood pellets for energy has suffered a [...]

N. American softwood lumber prices are seeking direction

   North American softwood lumber prices are seeking direction as the housing market finally shows signs of slowing down [...]

Finland: Roundwood prices continued to rise in June

    In June, an average of EUR 68.6 per cubic metre was paid for pine logs [...]

Central European roundwood markets are at a turning point

Central European roundwood markets are at a turning point as forests in much of the region have recently suffered extensive [...]

Lumber prices in Japan soaring again

    Lumber prices in Japan are soaring in the wake of the Ukraine war. The shortage that [...]

Wood prices in Germany soaring until May- signs of correction since June

Wood prices in Germany rose steeply up until May. Now there are first signs of a correction, especially for softwood [...]