Swedish logs prices show mixed results during Q1/2014
In the first quarter of 2014, roundwood prices in Sweden show some mixed results: pine sawlogs are cheaper by EUR [...]
April 17, 2014
Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Industry Prices / Europe
Finnish log prices keep stable in February
In February 2014, roundwood prices in Finland are largely stable as compare to January, with only few minor changes.  [...]
March 11, 2014
Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / ...Industry Prices / Europe
Roundwood volumes in Norway on the rise; prices decline
A total of 9 million cubic metres of industrial roundwood were cut in Norway for sale in 2013; an increase [...]
January 22, 2014
Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / ...Forestry / Industry Prices / Europe
Austrian wood pellets price remains stable during January
The price of pellets in Austria seems to be stable in January. One tonne of pellets is more expensive than [...]
January 20, 2014
Wood Industry Prices / Industry Prices / ...Wood Energy / Europe