Industry Prices

Germany: Wood pellets price increased sharply in January

Wood pellets price in Germany increased in January, due to the low temperatures. Thus, the national average for wood pellets [...]

High oak prices and weak beech prices on the French hardwood market

    In France, the end of 2017 brought a new wave of rising oak log prices in [...]

Roundwood prices in Finland grew in October 2017

Roundwood prices in Finland went up during October 2017, both as compared to the same period of 2016 and as [...]

Wood pellets price in Germany on the rise in January

The price for wood pellets in Germany slightly rose during January, once with the falling temperatures. The national average for [...]

Firewood prices in Romania grew by 250% during 2011-2017

Prices for firewood in Romania increased by 250% during 2011-2017, to RON 300/m3. Yet, there are maximum prices [...]

Lumber prices in France during the Q3/2017

FRANCE LUMBER PRICES for the 3rd quarter 2017         Prices 2017-Q3  [...]

The strong demand for lumber globally increases sawlog prices

Global sawlog prices were reported higher throughout the world in the 3Q/17 and are likely to continue upward into [...]

Moody’s: Global wood products sector stays strong in 2018

The likelihood of strong profits from the wood products business, alongside higher prices and growth in paper packaging from increased [...]

Prices for Swiss wood pellets have slightly went up in December

    Swiss ENplus A1 quality wood pellets prices slightly increased in December 2017. However, the price increase [...]

Record softwood lumber prices in N. America; Sweden, Finland and Russia lumber export prices drop

    Record high prices for softwood lumber in North America in the 3Q/17 and rising lumber [...]