Industry Prices

Global sawlog prices have increased during Q4/2017

The Global Sawlog Price Index (GSPI) increased to US$76.34/m3 in the 4Q/17, up 1.0 percent [...]

Swiss wood pellets prices drop in March

    The Swiss wood pellets' price amounted to an average of CHF 376.3/t (EUR 321 [...]

Lumber prices in the US on descending path

The record run in framing lumber prices in the US stopped last week, as the cracks in prices widened across [...]

Producers in Central and West Africa wait for Chinese buyers’ reaction to higher FOB prices

Analysts say there is little to report in terms of market reaction to the higher log FOB asking prices which [...]

Softwood lumber prices in Austria went up during January

In January, prices of softwood lumber in Austria have increased for almost all assortments as compared to December. However, if [...]

Prices for German wood products show irregularities during January

    Producer prices for wood products in Germany registered uneven movements in January 2018. The great part [...]

Lumber prices in the US reach record level

Trading in framing lumber in the US markets slowed down during last week, as did upward momentum in prices. Even [...]

Prices for logs in the US went up due to a confluence of factors

Prices for logs on the US West Coast have increased due to the natural disasters, housing construction, Asian competition and [...]

Austrian wood pellets prices slightly changed in February

Wood pellets' average price n Austria has reached 240,1 € per tonne of wood pellets or 4.90 Cent per [...]

Roundwood trade in Finland reported great success for 2017; log prices went up

    Roundwood trade from Finnish Forests registered a great success, due to the purchases of the forest [...]