Estonia: Roundwood prices reach record-highs in March
Prices for roundwood in Estonia increased significantly in March 2018, as compared to the same month of 2017.   [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Europe
US lumber prices pushed higher in June though at a lower pace than in May
The framing lumber market in the US was slow during last week, as to shake off [...]
June 6, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood-based Panels / North America
Roundwood prices in Sweden grew during the first quarter of 2018
Roundwood prices in Sweden have decline last year in the second and third quarter. However, in [...]
June 5, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Pulp & Paper / Sawmilling / Europe
Latest prices for Indian imported wood products
The price list for teak, sawnwood and plywood between 1-15 May, 2018. Plantation teak prices [...]
June 5, 2018
Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / ...Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood-based Panels / Asia & Middle East
Lumber prices in France for the first quarter of 2018
FRANCE LUMBER PRICES for the 1st quarter 2018 Prices 2018-Q1  [...]
June 5, 2018
Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / ...Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood Construction / Europe
Brazil latest prices for logs, sawnwood and plywood
Latest prices for Brazilian logs, sawnwood and plywood prices 1-15 May, 2018.   [...]
June 4, 2018
Latest Trends / Wood Industry Prices / ...Forestry / Industry Prices / Wood-based Panels / South America
While lumber sales in the US go down, prices set new highs
Framing lumber sales in the US started to descend, as compared to the last two weeks [...]
June 4, 2018
Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / ...Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood-based Panels / North America
Austrian wood pellets prices descend in May
Prices for Austrian wood pellets went on a descending path during May, as it was also the case for Germany [...]
June 4, 2018
Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / ...Industry Prices / Wood Energy / Europe
Standing timber prices in the UK go 30% up during one year period
The price of standing timber (trees not yet harvested) in UK surged by 28.2% from March 2017 to March [...]
May 31, 2018
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Europe
US lumber prices grow, as seasonal demand booms
Framing lumber prices in the US reached further record-highs during last week, as robust seasonal demand overwhelmed supplies.  [...]
May 31, 2018
Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / ...Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Wood-based Panels / North America