Keyword: US

US lumber prices on the rise, with mix trends in trading

    Framing lumber trading in the US experienced mix trends during last week. While the rally in [...]

US wooden furniture imports from Indonesia and India on the rise

US wooden furniture imports grew 1% in January to US$1.69 billion. Imports were 6% higher than in January [...]

Softwood lumber exports from BC to the US collapse in March

Softwood lumber exports from British Columbia to the United States plunged 20 per cent in March from a year ago [...]

WTO organizes two panels to examine US lumber duties

At the request of Canada, the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) agreed on 9 April to establish two panels [...]

Canadian mill investments in the U.S. South result in high sawmilling margins

With few mill acquisitions, almost all of the production gains arose from improvements at existing mills. Of the top 40 [...]

Lumber prices in the US on varying at the beginning of April

A mix of trends in prices of framing lumber emerged across producing regions. Trends varied based on species, product groups [...]

US plywood imports from China crash

US hardwood plywood imports declined by 5% in January to 202,536 cu.m. but the value of imports increased [...]

Good profits for the Canadian lumber producers despite US duties

Main lumber producers in British Columbia keep on booking major profits on near record lumber prices a year after the [...]

Canada involves WTO in softwood lumber trade dispute with the US

    Canada wants to persuade the World Trade Organization (WTO) to set up an adjudication panel for [...]

US softwood lumber consumption expected to reach record-highs by 2030

US consumption of softwood lumber is likely to reach record-highs by 2030, resulting in export opportunities for sawmills in [...]