Keyword: structural panel

US lumber prices on the rise, with mix trends in trading

    Framing lumber trading in the US experienced mix trends during last week. While the rally in [...]

Lumber sales in the US dropped, with prices being cut

Trading in framing lumber in the US softened during last week, while the cuts in prices widened. Buyers held back [...]

Lumber prices in the US on descending path

The record run in framing lumber prices in the US stopped last week, as the cracks in prices widened across [...]

Lumber prices in the US reach record level

Trading in framing lumber in the US markets slowed down during last week, as did upward momentum in prices. Even [...]

Lumber prices in the US near the all-time high record

Framing lumber prices in the US picked up after a midweek drop, while many key prices continued for forge higher [...]

US lumber prices increase, even if consumption lowers

Prices for framing lumber in the US continued to rise in all species during last week. Yet, trading cooled down [...]

Lumber prices in the US were stable during last week

The demand for framing lumber in the US remained steady to active during last week, even if traders usually experience [...]

Lumber prices in the US drop, yet remain higher than a year ago

The wintry weather has affected the framing lumber sales last week, while it also caused production and transportation problems.  [...]

Lumber prices in the US recover during March

Amid some mixed sentiment, framing lumber prices increased last week in U.S. Weather clouded the views of traders in [...]