Keyword: softwood lumber

Lower softwood lumber prices in Austria

    Softwood lumber prices in Austria have overall dropped slightly in July. Compared with June, only the [...]

US softwood lumber prices pick up in mid-August

Framing lumber trading in US hit its fastest stride in more than two months, and the market finished the week [...]

Booming exports of Belarus softwood lumber to Europe

The European countries softwood lumber imports from Belarus have went up during January - September 2017 by 51%, to a total [...]
August 22, 2018 Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Sawmilling / Europe

Latvian softwood lumber exports on a downward trend

Sawn and planed sawn softwood exports from Latvia went down by 15% during the Q1/2018, to 603,000 m3 [...]

Dropping Chinese demand cause major setback in Finland’s softwood lumber exports

    he Finnish softwood lumber exports to the world decreased by -4% during January - May 2018, as [...]
August 14, 2018 Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Sawmilling / China / Europe

Main global softwood lumber producers expand their output

    The top global lumber companies showed further gains in production in 2017 as compared to 2016 [...]

US pulpmills increased costs for wood fiber during the Q1/2018

During the first quarter of 2018, there were substantial increases in wood costs for pulpmills in Western US and Canada [...]

Chinese softwood lumber and logs imports tripled during the last 10 years

Softwood logs and softwood lumber imports to China have more than tripled in ten years with lumber volumes surpassing logs [...]
June 4, 2018 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / China

Prices for softwood lumber in Austria on the rise again

In April, softwood lumber prices in Austria rose again after a slight decrease in March. The 1-2 EUR/cbm [...]

Austrian softwood lumber prices regress during March

In March, the prices for softwood lumber in Austria declined slightly compared to February. The decline is of 1-2 [...]