Keyword: North America

North American woodworking sector hit hard by coronavirus crisis

The $75 billion North American wood products industry faces serious to major impacts from the corona virus outbreak, but surprisingly [...]

Top North American lumber producers in 2019

Canadian and U.S. lumber producers faced a tough lumber market that saw more mill curtailments and closures than acquisitions [...]

Softwood lumber production in N. America on a downward trend

    U.S. sawmills produced 26.616 billion board ft. (bbf) of softwood lumber in the first [...]

N. American panel prices recover magnificently, big changes at BC sawmill operators

Recently, Canfor announced a bid to go private, and Conifex sold its Fort St James timber rights to Hampton, which [...]

North American sawmills see their profit margins decline

Costs for sawlogs declined in most major regions around the world in the first half of 2019. However, lumber prices [...]

SmartLam wants to become the biggest CLT producer in North America

SmartLam aims to produce 17.2 million cubic feet of annual CLT production by 2022. Smartlam says that it has [...]

Arauco buys whole assets for US MDF producer, expanding to North America

    Arauco announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Prime-Line Inc., a privately held [...]

Wood fiber costs declined during H1/2019 for many pulpmills in North America

Wood fiber costs fell in most regions of North America during the first six months of 2019, with the biggest [...]

Main Russian timber companies want to boost exports to North America

Leading Russian timber companies plan to significantly increase exports of their unprocessed timber and pulp to Canada and the U [...]

North American pulpwood prices increased during the 1Q/19

    Prices for pulplogs and wood chips moved up slightly in the US in the 1Q/19 [...]