Keyword: New Zealand

New Zealand: Sawmill goes out of business due to high prices of logs exported to China

On February 27th and 28th, 2019, the European Pellets Conference which took place in Wels, Austria gathered around 660 participants [...]

New Zealand logs prices near records

Forestry prices in New Zealand — one of the world’s largest timber exporters — are near record highs, thanks largely to [...]

Sharp rise in prices for exported logs from New Zealand

At wharf gate (AWG) prices for logs delivered to ports around New Zealand increased on average 12-13 NZD per [...]

Norske Skog invests in doubling wood pellets capacity at facility in New Zealand

The Norske Skog group has decided to invest about A$ 7 million ($5 million) to upgrade the Nature’s Flame [...]

Falling log prices in New Zealand

    New Zealand's export log market took a hit from the trade dispute between the US [...]

China shows interest in more investments in New Zealand’s forest industry

The largest ever New Zealand forest industry delegation to China's showcase Global Wood Trade Conference has made the case [...]

New Zealand’s log export prices fall sharply as Chinese demand crashes

The dramatic drop in August At-Wharf-Gate (AWG) prices for logs delivered to ports around New Zealand is the [...]

Prices for New Zealand export logs reach 25-year high

    Structural log prices in New Zealand grew to the highest level for 25 years, once the [...]

New Zealand radiata pine logs prices go up in May

Radiata pine log export prices from New Zealand have been rising significantly in May 2018. China has been importing radiata [...]

Softwood logs exports from New Zealand reached record volumes in March

    New Zealand's exports of softwood logs reached record volumes during March 2018. The shipments to [...]