Lumber prices in the US were stable during last week
The demand for framing lumber in the US remained steady to active during last week, even if traders usually experience [...]
November 7, 2017
Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / ...Forestry / Industry Prices / Wood-based Panels / North America
Sawmills in the US increase softwood lumber production in January-February
US sawmills produced 5.285 billion board ft. (bbf) of softwood lumber in the first two months of 2017, a [...]
May 15, 2017
Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / North America
Former Canfor CEO is to negotiate with for a new lumber deal with the US
B.C. Premier Christy Clark has announced the appointment of former Canfor chief executive officer, federal cabinet minister and B [...]
February 15, 2017
Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / North America
Lumber prices in the US drop, yet remain higher than a year ago
The wintry weather has affected the framing lumber sales last week, while it also caused production and transportation problems.  [...]
January 22, 2017
Wood Industry Prices / Industry Prices / ...Sawmilling / North America
Sweden searches for new opportunities in the rising Japanese wooden house building
New opportunities arise in the Japanese construction sector for the Swedish lumber. Swedish Forest Industry President, Carina Håkansson (in [...]
March 26, 2016
Market Analysis / Sawmilling / ...Wood Construction / Asia & Middle East / Europe
Lumber prices in the US recover during March
Amid some mixed sentiment, framing lumber prices increased last week in U.S. Weather clouded the views of traders in [...]
March 20, 2016
Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / ...Industry Prices / Sawmilling / North America
Lumber production in Canada increased by 8% in 2015
The Canadian lumber production increased by 8% in 2015, compared to 2014. Thus, production summed 26.7 billion board feet [...]
March 11, 2016
Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / North America
Softwood lumber exports from Sweden on an upward trend
In the first ten months of 2015, Sweden has exported about 10,7 million cubic meters of sawn and planed [...]
January 12, 2016
Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Europe
US softwood lumber shipments to China down by 50%
In the first half of 2015, US softwood lumber exports to China dropped nearly 50% to 247,290 cubic metres [...]
September 13, 2015
Market Analysis / Sawmilling / ...China / North America
Japanese lumber demand expected to decrease
The Japanese Forest Agency made up demand projection of major wood products for the second half of this year. On [...]
August 16, 2015
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Sawmilling / Asia & Middle East