Keyword: lumber

Global sawlog prices have increased during Q4/2017

The Global Sawlog Price Index (GSPI) increased to US$76.34/m3 in the 4Q/17, up 1.0 percent [...]

Lumber production in the US surged in 2017

U.S. sawmills increased softwood lumber production by 4.2% in 2017 to a full-year total of 33.888 [...]

Lumber prices in the US on descending path

The record run in framing lumber prices in the US stopped last week, as the cracks in prices widened across [...]

Lumber prices in the US reach record level

Trading in framing lumber in the US markets slowed down during last week, as did upward momentum in prices. Even [...]

Weak EU imports of tropical sawn wood, why?

European timber businesses suggest a range of factors that may explain the apparent dichotomy between good underlying demand for hardwoods [...]

Lumber prices in the US near the all-time high record

Framing lumber prices in the US picked up after a midweek drop, while many key prices continued for forge higher [...]

Lumber prices in France for Q4/2017

      FRANCE LUMBER PRICES for the 4th quarter 2017        [...]

Slowdown in China’s economy might affect Finnish lumber exporters

Concerns about the future development of the Chinese economy will again become headlines in Finland by the end of 2018 [...]
February 16, 2018 Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Forestry / Sawmilling / China / Europe

US lumber prices increase, even if consumption lowers

Prices for framing lumber in the US continued to rise in all species during last week. Yet, trading cooled down [...]

Japan’s lumber imports from Europe and North America forecast to drop

The Japanese Forestry Agency recently held a meeting for wood products demand projection for the first half of 2018.  [...]