Keyword: lumber

Wood products prices in Germany increased over 2017

    In February, the German producer price index for wood products has registered a high degree of [...]

Lumber prices in the US driven higher by increased demand

    The seasonal demand for lumber in the US helped producers regain command of the framing lumber [...]

US lumber prices on the rise, with mix trends in trading

    Framing lumber trading in the US experienced mix trends during last week. While the rally in [...]

WTO organizes two panels to examine US lumber duties

At the request of Canada, the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) agreed on 9 April to establish two panels [...]

Lumber prices in the US on varying at the beginning of April

A mix of trends in prices of framing lumber emerged across producing regions. Trends varied based on species, product groups [...]

Good profits for the Canadian lumber producers despite US duties

Main lumber producers in British Columbia keep on booking major profits on near record lumber prices a year after the [...]

Global demand for softwood lumber reaches record-high in 2017

Global trade of softwood lumber reached a record-high in 2017, as demand for wood continued to increase in the [...]

Lumber sales in the US dropped, with prices being cut

Trading in framing lumber in the US softened during last week, while the cuts in prices widened. Buyers held back [...]

Lumber production in the US has increased in 2017

US sawmills increased softwood lumber production by 4.2% in 2017 to a full-year total of 33.888 billion [...]

Hardwood lumber and veneer exports from the US to the MENA region reached $96.74 million in 2017

Total exports of U.S. hardwood lumber and veneer to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region including Pakistan [...]