Keyword: log export ban
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Impact of the Russia log export ban on the supply of sawlogs to China

How will the supply of sawlogs in China develop next year, when Russia stops exporting logs?     [...]

Ukraine and EU agreed to resolve log export ban

In a joint statement following the Ukraine-European Union summit, it is said that Ukraine and the EU have agreed [...]

Russia’s log export ban could cause raw material scarcity in Europe

    Europe could face a raw material scarcity which may well result as both a direct and [...]

European Commission doesn’t consider a timber export ban

    Recently, more than 9000 European wood processing companies have signed the "Stop Log Exports" petition to [...]

Poland: The Ministry responds to the call of the timber industry for a log export ban

The Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment answered to a call from the timber industry to limit the export of [...]

European timber industry companies sign petition for log export ban

More than 9000 European wood processing companies have signed the "Stop Log Exports" petition to be submitted to the European [...]

EU requests arbitration with Ukraine on wood export ban

    The EU requested the establishment of an arbitration panel under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement on [...]