Keyword: chipboard

Kronospan invests EUR 180 million in a second plant in Spain

The Austrian Kronospan will invest 180 million euros in a chipboard manufacturing plant for the furniture industry in Tortosa (Tarragona [...]

Kronospan plans a new chipboard plant in Russia

    Peter Kindl, founder of Kronospan Holding Ltd, attended a working meeting with regional governor of the [...]

Pfleiderer Group invests in output capacities at Grajewo production plant

In July, Pfleiderer Group launched a new melamine faced chipboard (MFC) production line at its Grajewo production plant. The new [...]

Egger to start production at new chipboard plant in Poland

    On June 28, 2019, Egger Biskupiec began to operate its state-of-the-art chipboard production [...]