China is ready to plant 6.6 million ha of forest by 2020
China intends to increase its forest coverage to 23%, by 2020, the State Forestry Administration said.   [...]
January 8, 2018
Latest Trends / Forestry / ...China
Record softwood lumber prices in N. America; Sweden, Finland and Russia lumber export prices drop
Record high prices for softwood lumber in North America in the 3Q/17 and rising lumber [...]
December 12, 2017
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Asia & Middle East / China / Europe / North America / Russia
Forestry sector in China forecast to reach output value of $1.1 trillion in 2017
China's forestry sector output value is likely to reach 7 trillion yuan (approx. $1.1 trillion) in 2017, due [...]
December 7, 2017
Market Analysis / Forestry / ...China
New Zealand: Log prices reach record high
Structural log prices in New Zealand reach the highest level in 24 years, while A-grade [...]
December 4, 2017
Market Analysis / Wood Industry Prices / ...Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Australia and Pacific Region / China
Chinese demand drives up New Zealand’s log prices
Increased demand for New Zealand logs coming from China leads the foresters to take advantage of the strong log prices [...]
November 28, 2017
Latest Trends / Market Analysis / ...Wood Industry Prices / Forestry / Industry Prices / Sawmilling / Australia and Pacific Region / China
China moves shipping containers to US logging sites
China is currently moving shipping containers directly to logging sites in the United States. This might be detrimental as they [...]
November 10, 2017
Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / China / North America
Chinese furniture manufacturer gives EUR 30 million order to Homag Group
HOMAG Group has won a major contract with Chinese furniture maker Oppein with an order valued at over EUR 30 [...]
May 8, 2017
Companies in the timber industry / Wood Furniture / ...China / Europe
China International Furniture Fair receives over 191,000 visitors from around the world
The 39th China International Furniture Fair (Guangzhou) (CIFF), which ran from March 18-21 and March 28-31, received 191 [...]
April 21, 2017
Companies in the timber industry / Wood Furniture / ...China
China invests in wood biomass consumption as a move to replace coal
China plans to expand the upgrade of biomass energy in the next 5 years as to reduce coal consumption and [...]
January 14, 2017
Market Analysis / Wood Energy / ...China
Wooden building materials receive more promotion in China
China's Ministries of Industry and Housing have developed an action plan to promote the production and use of green [...]
November 16, 2015
Latest Trends / Wood Construction / ...China