On Thursday evening, insolvency administrator Volker Böhm signed a purchase agreement with Rettenmeier Holding AG, securing the acquisition of several key operations from the insolvent Ziegler Group. As part of the deal, Rettenmeier will take over Ziegler Holzindustrie GmbH & Co. KG (sawmill), Ziegler Naturenergie GmbH, Ziegler Forstservice GmbH, and Holzzentrum Ziegler GmbH. The purchase also includes the non-insolvent Ziegler companies Prechtl GmbH Anlagen- und Maschinenbau and Ruhland Druckluft & Systemtechnik GmbH. Rettenmeier, one of Europe’s largest wood processing companies, has committed to keeping all locations and retaining most of the workforce across the acquired businesses ...
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