Wood Industry Prices

Shrinking MDF market in China

According to Chinese market insiders, the weakness of the downstream furniture market in China this year has led to a [...]

Timber supply for 2020 and 2021 under threat in Ireland

    Coillte has warned the Government that it could run out of timber to sell off before [...]

Many Canadian sawmills could revive if US softwood lumber tariffs will change

Changes to softwood tariffs between the United States and Canada could help alleviate the Canada’s lumber shortage.   [...]

Falling sawlog prices in Finland

    In July, the average stumpage price for pine logs in Finland was EUR 53.5 per [...]

Interview: Impact of Covid-19 on US hardwood exports to China

Where does the global wood industry go in the post-pandemic era? This is a topic that most professionals in [...]

Vietnamese wood products exports stunning in the first half

According to Vietnam Customs, at the end of June, wood and wood product (W&WP) export revenues amounted to [...]

Austria: Brisk demand for spruce logs not followed by rise in prices

The Austrian economy is slowly recovering from the coronavirus-related lockdown, despite continuing risks due to increasing numbers of infections [...]

Perfect storm has led to lumber, panel prices skyrocketing in North America

    John Gunkelman is the owner of Fargo’s Dakota Construction and is the immediate past president [...]

European wood exports via rail transport to China – (not) an alternative?

    China's rail freight traffic to Europe rose sharply during the coronavirus pandemic, mainly due to [...]

Strong demand and rising prices for Sweden’s sawmill industry

The recent strengthening of the Swedish krona and the ongoing pandemic are two factors that have changed the conditions in [...]