Wood Industry Prices

Austria: Sawlog prices stable in November 2022

    The Austrian sawmill industry is sufficiently stocked with softwood logs corresponding to the current demand, but [...]

Central Africa: Log export ban postponed indefinitely

    In Central Africa, the ban on the export of logs will no longer take effect from [...]

Sweden: Sawlog prices continue to rise in Q3/2022

During the third quarter of 2022, delivery timber prices for both sawlogs and pulpwood in Sweden increased in comparison with [...]

France: Depression on the Douglas fir market; prices in freefall

  The downward trend in the Douglas fir market is now clearly confirmed. We can even speak of a [...]

US lumber: Post-bubble prices under further pressure

US lumber futures continued to fall over the past few months as weakening housing markets in major economies amid rising [...]

Global economic slowdown overshadows near-term market outlook for the wood industry

Most countries in the world are experiencing slower economic growth or economic contraction. Certainly, those with global influence are performing [...]

The capacity utilization rate of Russian timber companies is less than 50%

The sharp drop in Russian timber product exports following the imposition of EU sanctions is not surprising to all parties [...]

Estonia: Softwood log prices continue to fall in Q3/2022

    The ongoing war in Europe and the energy crisis caused by Russia have led to abnormal [...]

Global trade of softwood lumber down 10%

Global trade of softwood lumber fell about 10% in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period in [...]

Housing market gloom puts North American sawmills at risk

A pall in North America’s housing market is slashing demand for lumber and threatening to shut down sawmills in [...]