Market Analysis

North American lumber prices expected to rise next year

The weak market conditions that prompted Canfor's announcement this week of production curtailments at its B.C. and Alberta [...]

UK timber demand expected to increase 78% by 2025

      The growing gap between the global supply and demand for timber is creating a [...]

Russian timber companies fallen into serious losses; ask for government help

A few days ago, the Russian timber industry, through regional officials, asked the government to take new support measures in [...]

New Zealand’s log export prices continue to fall due to low demand in China

    Prices for export logs reduced an average of 6 NZD per JASm3 across ports in New [...]

EU approves import ban law on products linked to deforestation

    The European Union agreed on Tuesday on a new law to prevent companies from selling into [...]

US lumber prices haven’t been this low since lockdown

   Lumber prices hit their lowest level since June 2020 on Monday as the housing market continues to slow [...]

Euro pallet prices fave fallen by 40% in six months

    The average price of a new euro pallet in Germany at the end of November is [...]

North American lumber prices can’t stop falling, as housing market is struggling

North American lumber prices has been among the biggest commodity price decliners this year, and the outlook for the market [...]

Reduced logging volumes proposed in Estonian state forests

    Estonian Environment Minister Madis Kallas presented the government with a proposal to lower state forest logging [...]