Market Analysis

Supply problems for the Polish timber industry due to war in Ukraine

Cutting off supplies of wooden semi-finished products from Ukraine and Russia may be a problem for some of the [...]

UPM suspends purchasing of wood in and from Russia; ceases operations at Chudovo plywood mill

    UPM will suspend purchasing of wood in and from Russia as well as the UPM Chudovo [...]

War in Ukraine causes softwood supply pressure

    Last year, Ukraine exported more than 2.7 million m3 of sawn softwood timber, a significant [...]

BSW Group stops purchasing Russian raw material

    BSW Group has decided to stop purchasing any raw material which originates from Russia due to [...]

War in Ukraine is having a strong impact on the Swedish forest sector

    Russia's invasion of Ukraine could lead to serious consequences for the world economy and could [...]

Russia-Ukraine war aggravated already rising N. American lumber prices

    North American umber prices are continuing to surge amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and traders [...]

China to become “virtually the only available market” for Russian timber

    Faced with a blockade of cargo transportation to foreign countries, the Russian domestic timber industry is [...]

Timber from Russia and Belarus considered ‘conflict timber’ by PEFC

All timber originating from Russia and Belarus is ‘conflict timber’ and therefore cannot be used in PEFC-certified products, the [...]

EU’s deforestation-free regulatory proposal sparks intense debate

Intense negotiations are ongoing as the draft EU law on "deforestation-free" and "forest degradation-free" products, published by the [...]

Wood likely to become scarce due to war in Ukraine and EU sanctions

    Last week, the EU announced sanctions restricting trade with Russia and Belarus. The trade in wood [...]