Market Analysis

China: Log stocks continue to decline, import prices show an upward trend

    The log inventory in China continued to decline in August, and prices showed an upward trend [...]

Shortages of timber and firewood reported in various European countries

With gas and electricity prices skyrocketing, many homes in Europe are turning to firewood this winter as an alternative or [...]

Germany: Pellet price quadrupled yoy, but trend reversal on the market in sight

    The pellet market in Germany continues to be influenced by many factors, caused by the effects [...]

Polish wood industry expected to face market slowdown in the coming quarters

    Poland's wood industry is one of those branches of domestic processing in which Polish producers [...]

US hardwood flooring tackles supply chain issues and labor shortages

Last year, the U.S. hardwood industry posted its first year of revenue gains since 2016, buoyed by elevated housing [...]

Wood pellet shortages in France cause prices to rise

The price of wood pellets is soaring in France due to a growing shortage of the fuel as people prepare [...]

Lumber prices fall as US mortgage rates hit 14 year high

    North American lumber prices fell Wednesday as US mortgage rates hit the highest level in 14 [...]

European softwood lumber exports to US double yoy; export prices fall

European softwood lumber exports to the USA almost doubled in the first seven months of the year, with the pace [...]

US timber industry claims that Canadian softwood producers receive climate subsidies

A group led by the US Lumber Coalition has unleashed a new stage in a long-running trade dispute, claiming [...]
September 19, 2022 Market Analysis / Wood Energy / ...North America