Article Archive

Dieffenbacher was chosen by Arauco to supply full particleboard plant for North America

Chile-based Arauco is investing in the construction of a particle board plant with a planned capacity of 800,000 [...]

Energy consumption from renewable sources in the EU doubled in 2015

In 2015, the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy reached 16.7% in the [...]
March 20, 2017 Market Analysis / Wood Energy / ...Europe

Switzerland could re-use its wood to get more energy

Almost 173,000 tonnes of used wood could be re-used in Switzerland as to produce valuable heat and power [...]
March 19, 2017 Market Analysis / Wood Energy / ...Europe

BC trade envoy says the US still needs time for new talks on softwood lumber

British Columbia announced that the province is ready to fight for its lumber producers in the trade war on softwood [...]
March 16, 2017 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...North America

General overview of the wooden I-beams on the Russian market

Russia has two types of production for wooden I-beams: industrial formwork and frames/floor slabs in the private and [...]
March 14, 2017 Market Analysis / Wood-based Panels / ...Russia

Indonesian plywood is offered big opportunities by FLEGT license on the EU market

The Global Timber Forum has published an interview with the CEOs of two European importing companies, Alexander de Groot of [...]

The Northern Softwood Lumber Bureau merges into NELMA

The Northern Softwood Lumber Bureau (NSLB) has merged into the Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association (NELMA).    The [...]

Latest hardwood logs prices in Russia, Poland, Romania and Croatia during Jan-Feb

Prices for hardwood logs during January and February 2017 can be found below:    RUSSIA:   [...]

Roundwood prices in New Zealand hit new record in February

The export prices for New Zealand logs increased for every grade. The average wharf gate price for unpruned A-grade [...]

Former German Pellets plants in US to be bought by Drax?

UK’s biggest power station, Drax, has recently made offers to buy two of German Pellets' bankrupted US-based biomass [...]