Article Archive

Metsä buys 10 ha industrial site in Estonia to build a new birch plywood mill

Metsä Group’s Wood Products Industry Metsä Wood has bought a 10 hectare industrial site in the city of P [...]

Tropical wood market in Spain recovers some ground

Hardwood consumption in Spain has recovered some ground, but growth remains slow and hardwood products are coming under renewed pressure [...]
April 12, 2017 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Europe

US to impose duties totaling 30% to 40% for Canadian lumber imports

Canada's forestry sector awaits for new softwood lumber exports tariffs from the US. Analysts believe that the US will [...]

Kährs Group announces the closure of hardwood flooring production in Finland

Kährs Group is reorganizing its hardwood flooring production. The company announced a closure of its production unit in Tuupovaara [...]

Greenply Industries to build new plywood plant in Sandila

Greenply Industries said last month it will set up a new manufacturing unit in Uttar Pradesh for plywood and allied [...]

EU increases its needs for tropical sawnwood from Cameroon

The most notable trend in the supply of tropical sawn timber to the EU in 2016 was the rising dependence [...]
April 5, 2017 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Africa / Europe

Overview of the UK hardwood import market share

A UK Timber Trade Federation (TTF) conference on the UK hardwood market sponsored by The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC [...]
March 27, 2017 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / Europe

Roundwood prices in Estonia mostly decreased during January

The roundwood prices in Estonia mostly decreased during January 2017, as compared to last year.     However [...]

Accsys announces plans to build Tricoya wood chip plant in Hull, UK

Accsys announced an agreement to build, operate and finance the world’s first Tricoya® wood chip manufacturing plant in Hull [...]

Binderholz is set to close acquisition of Finnish Anaika Wood Group’s assets by the end of March

Binderholz Nordic Oy will close the acquisition of Anaika Wood Group’s assets in Lieksa / Kevätniemi by March 31 [...]