Article Archive

Hardwood pulp manufacturers in Europe face highest wood costs in the world

Hardwood pulp manufacturers in Europe have some of the highest wood fiber costs in the world despite prices for hardwood [...]

Vietnam wood products exports could be undermined by shortage in raw materials

Vietnam’s wood industry faces a quandary as bright export growth prospects are clouded by difficulties in finding necessary raw [...]

Brazil’s wood products exports on a booming trend

In February 2018, Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 27% in value compared to February [...]

Lumber prices in the US on varying at the beginning of April

A mix of trends in prices of framing lumber emerged across producing regions. Trends varied based on species, product groups [...]

US plywood imports from China crash

US hardwood plywood imports declined by 5% in January to 202,536 cu.m. but the value of imports increased [...]

Congestion at Douala Port frustrates timber shippers

Exporters continue to be frustrated over the congestion at Douala Port. Reports suggest up to 60,000 cu.m of [...]
April 11, 2018 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / Africa / China / Europe

Good profits for the Canadian lumber producers despite US duties

Main lumber producers in British Columbia keep on booking major profits on near record lumber prices a year after the [...]

Swedish wood of great interest on the Indian market

The Indian wood industry is showing strong interest in Swedish pine, particularly for furniture and joinery. Indian architects and designers [...]

Malaysia: Exports of tropical logs expected to fall sharply

Tropical logs exports from Malaysia will continue to decrease once with the fall of the logging volumes in a key [...]

Japan’s Daiken cleared to buy MDF plant in New Zealand

The Commerce Commission in New Zealand has granted clearance for Daiken New Zealand to acquire 100% of the shares in [...]