Article Archive

German price trends for wood products during March

Producer prices for wood products in Germany show only small movements in March. According to data provided by the German [...]

Latest prices for Indian teak, sawnwood and plywood imports in April

    The price list for teak, sawnwood and plywood between 16-30 April, 2018.    [...]

Demand for wood pellets in Asia has reached record-highs in 2017

Asia’s demand for biomass is growing rapidly. Wood pellet imports into South Korea and Japan have grown exponentially in [...]

Matsumoto Lumber invests in a new sawline from Heinola

Matsumoto Lumber ordered a full-profiling Scala 250 sawline from Heinola Sawmill Machinery for its new sawmill in Japan. The [...]

The EUTR is not “effective, proportionate and dissuasive”, according to ClientEarth

The potential value of FLEGT licensing is partly dependent on the extent to which EUTR is being implemented consistently across [...]
May 17, 2018 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / Europe

Norbord announces great results for Q1/2018, due to strong OSB demand from North America and Europe

With strong OSB demand in both North America and Europe, Norbord continues to deliver robust results in the first three [...]

New duties on Russian log exports

Logs exiting Russia’s Far East have been slapped with a 6.5 per cent export duty since last December [...]
May 17, 2018 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / Russia

European wood flooring demand decrease due to German slowdown

An insight into the current status of the EU wood flooring market and the wider economic situation in individual EU [...]

LIGNA conference moves to Guangzhou, China

The LIGNA Conference is moving to Guangzhou to be held on 4 and 5 December in the run-up to [...]

Wood-based panels global market diminished its progress

In 2016, the wood-based panels market grew to 408M cubic meters. After a slight reduction from 2008 to 2009 [...]