Article Archive

Swiss Krono to expand in US

    A $200+ million, 250,000 square-foot expansion of the Swiss Krono plant in Barnwell, South [...]

Brazilian Ipe logs in short supply

Some of the largest exotic lumber companies in the United States ran out of much of their Ipe inventory. What [...]

Falling log prices in New Zealand

    New Zealand's export log market took a hit from the trade dispute between the US [...]

Wood products trade between China and the US slows

China’s Customs data shows that in the first half of 2018 the value of wood products trade between China [...]

Massive French softwood logs exports to China

      The European softwood logs exports to China have went up by 560% during January [...]

BSW Timber’s sawmill in Slovenia waiting for permits

    BSW Timber is currently waiting for all permits to proceed with the construction of a EUR [...]

Ghina: Wood processing industry booming in Guangdong Province

During the last few years, once with the increase in demand for wood processing products in Guangdong Province, Southeast China [...]

EU wood furniture industry reinforcing its dominance in the home market this year

The latest Eurostat trade data shows that the EU’s wood furniture industry, having lost a little ground to imports [...]

EU softwood lumber exports to China crash in H1/2018

      The European softwood lumber exports to China fell by -27% during January-June 2018 [...]