Article Archive

The Chinese got 2.5 billion m3 of stocking volume in planted forests

    According to the eighth national inventory of forest resources, the area of national plantation was 69 [...]
November 6, 2018 Latest Trends / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / China

Brazilian wood-based products’ exports value has increased in September

In September 2018 Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 8.4% in value compared to [...]

SCA Wood installs new planing mill at Tunadal location

SCA Wood inaugurated a new planing mill at its Tunadal location October 31, 2018. The investment accounted for SEK 80 [...]

Roundwood prices in Sweden get to their lowest level in the last 20 years

The delivery prices on sawlog and pulpwood prices in Sweden rose by 5.5 percent and 3.4 percent respectively [...]

Signing of the FLEGT-VPA expected to rise Vietnamese timber products exports to the EU market

The signing of the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT-VPA) between Vietnam and the European [...]

Bark beetle infestation halves roundwood prices in the Czech Republic

Forests in the Czech Republic are suffering. Frequent periods of prolonged draught have weakened trees, leaving them prone to harmful [...]

Vietnamese wood pellets export prices on decline

Wood pellet prices in Vietnam, one of main wood pellet supplying countries in South-East Asia, soared since September last [...]

The 7th Club du Bois meeting at the European Parliament focused on woodworking industry

The European Panel Federation (EPF), the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) and the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries [...]

Canfor reports drop in lumber segment

Lower lumber prices and severe forest fires in Western Canada are partially behind Canfor's Q3 decline in both its [...]

Chinese plywood presence on the US market crashes due to countervailing duties

      US hardwood plywood imports from China have plunged this year after massive anti-dumping [...]