Article Archive

US lumber prices keep on going up

Trading in framing lumber took a step back from the prior week’s more active pace. Price trends covered the [...]

Lithuania: Roundwood prices decrease in March, still higher than in 2018

After rising prices registered in March, Lithuanian roundwood prices went down or remained stable in April. Pine, spruce and birch [...]

Norbord’s panel mills in Europe report 17% growth in Q1/2019

      Norbord’s European operations reported a 17% growth in Q1, 2019 adjusted earnings before [...]

New Zealand’s logs price decreases, as Chinese market uncertain

The price of logs transported to the ports around New Zealand dropped by an average of NZ$7 in April [...]

Sawn timber production in Finland went up during Q1/2019

    Pulp and sawn timber production in Finland increased during the first quarter of the year. On [...]

SCA and Martinsons bring Swedish pine to China, for the construction of the world’s longest bridge

Pine from the northern parts of Sweden has been used at the world's longest bridge over water. The 55 [...]

Bark beetle infestation is destroying forests in Central Europe

    Hot, dry summers are fanning an unprecedented outbreak of bark beetles that are destroying vast swathes [...]

Largest Canadian lumber companies announce sawmill production curtailments in May

Major Canadian forestry products companies have announced sawmill production curtailments for the month of May. All complain about the surge [...]

Vietnam significantly increases pellet exports to Japan

  Vietnam has increased 253.6% y-o-y pellet exports to Japan in first quarter of 2019 to [...]

Germany’s sawnwood demand at very high levels

Germany is Europe’s largest economy with GDP likely to have exceeded US$4 trillion for the first time in [...]