Article Archive

Negative performance for the US forest products industry

US forest industry performance in April and May was recently reported by both the US government and the Institute for [...]

Sharp decline in revenues for Kronospan in Bulgaria

    Kronospan Bulgaria, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cyprus-based Konikato Holdings, said that its net loss [...]

WWF criticizes FSC for its activity in Russia

The seal of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is considered by environmental organizations to be the most demanding international certificate [...]

Falling parquet production and consumption in Europe

After three years of moderate growth or stabilisation, and despite a generally good start of the year, the overall consumption [...]

Swedish wood construction – a key point on the agenda at the first UN-Habitat Assembly

Swedish wood construction was a key point on the agenda at the first UN-Habitat Assembly, which focused on innovations [...]

Export prices for New Zealand’s logs start to fall

    Prices for New Zealand domestic log sales in June are mostly unchanged from May as we [...]

Record logging volume in Finland

    78.2 million cubic metres of roundwood was felled in the forests of Finland in 2018 [...]

Wood products trade in China continues to rise

    The total value of China’s wood products trade rose 6% to US$163.5 billion [...]

Closing sawmills in US and falling hardwood prices due to Chinese tariffs

    24% of hardwood produced in the United States is exported to China and 22% is exported [...]

Current trends in Russia’s birch plywood market

Global plywood production has reached a level of about 160 million m3 in the recent years. China accounts for over [...]