Article Archive

Greenpeace spots alleged illegal cargo of precious tropical timber in the port of Antwerp

A cargo of precious sawn tropical timber (padoek) from Africa is was blocked this month in the Belgian port of [...]

Wood fiber costs for softwood pulp manufacturers reach the highest level in five years

The Softwood Fiber Price Index (SFPI) has risen the past two years. In the 1Q/19, the Index reached its [...]

June prices for China imports of logs and sawnwood

The report below contains the latest prices of logs and sawnwood from main timber markets in China, between 16-30 [...]

Falling roundwood prices in Estonia

    The prices for softwood roundwood in Estonia are falling again after the rapid increase since the [...]

Vietnam wood imports at record high due to the rapidly expanding processing sector

    In 2018, Vietnam’s wood processing industry imported the roundwood equivalent nearly 10 million cu.m [...]

Sharp growth in Russian sawn timber exports

    Russian sawn timber and wood processing products exports are growing rapidly, with an average annual growth [...]

New Zealand log prices dragged down by Chinese imports from Europe coming by train

    New Zealand logs are piling up on Chinese wharves as cheap sawn timber arrives by train [...]

Gabon timber industry hit by corruption scandal

Tropical timber is piling up at Gabon's main port as the country's logging industry reels from a corruption [...]
July 19, 2019 Market Analysis / Forestry / ...Sawmilling / Africa

Enviva to start production at new Hamlet pellet plant

    A few days ago, the US pellet producer Enviva Partners started pellet production in the newly [...]

Chinese particleboard market optimistic despite tough economic environment

    The Chinese particleboard market has a smooth transition. Some merchants have reported that the particleboard market [...]