Article Archive

N. American wood industry giants announce more production curtailments

Wood business companies in North America are responding to the threats of the coronavirus pandemic. Here is a tracking of [...]

India’s wood industry ceases activity due to strict lockdown measures

    India has taken drastic measures against the spread of the coronavirus entering a strict lockdown. The [...]

Vietnam: Exports of wood products expected to fall sharply as main markets are under lockdown

Vietnam will see significant decline in exports of timber and wooden products in the next three months due to COVID [...]

Poland’s furniture manufacturers face huge risks due to coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic may cause the collapse of Polish furniture manufacturers, which face many production curtailments. The five main Polish [...]

Top North American lumber producers in 2019

Canadian and U.S. lumber producers faced a tough lumber market that saw more mill curtailments and closures than acquisitions [...]

Russian timber industry under pressure due to mild winter

Due to the abnormally warm winter in Russia, a shortage of wood raw materials has formed. Logging equipment sometimes could [...]

Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the global wood pellet market

    The coronavirus pandemic is likely to cause a global economic depression. Many sectors are being and [...]

China’s new forest law to fight illegal logging

       In the first revision to the country’s Forest Law in over twenty years [...]