Article Archive

BC government changes lumber regulations

    British Columbia government made changes to the Manufactured Forest Products Regulation (MFPR) around export requirements for [...]

Supplies of Brazilian tropical wood tightening

Supplies of tropical sawnwood and hardwood decking in Brazil are also tighter than usual at this time of year during [...]

China imports huge amounts of softwood logs from Europe

    China imported a total of 12% less softwood logs up to the beginning of August, but [...]

Interfor sells its Gilchrist sawmill to Neiman

    Interfor announced that it has reached an agreement to sell its specialty sawmill located in Gilchrist [...]

Current lumber market in US considered unprecedented

    The North American lumber industry is having its craziest year in memory -- and that was before [...]

SCA to acquire more forest land in the Baltics

SCA has signed an agreement to acquire forest land in Latvia. The acquisition comprises an area of 19,150 hectares [...]

EU carbon market set to include shipping

    Given that wood exports are impacted by ocean freight rates the following news may have an [...]

Holmen’s acquisition of Martinsons gets approval

    Holmen’s agreement to acquire Martinsons, one of Sweden's leading players in sawn and processed [...]

UK market for African hardwoods recovering lockdown

    The UK market for sawn hardwood has been recovering well following easing of COVID-19 lockdown [...]

COVID-19 impact on US forest supply chain

    The global forest products industry has been making headlines since the COVID-19 pandemic struck at [...]