Article Archive

Sharp recovery in UK softwood imports

  UK's softwood import volumes for 2020 see a three per cent rise against 2019 totals, after falling [...]

Considerable recovery in the European lumber market

  Until recently, the total annual consumption of softwood lumber in Europe has been steadily increasing and in 2019 [...]

China’s current particleboard production capacities

In 2020, 16 particleboard production lines have been be completed and put into production in China, with an additional production [...]

Germany intensifies timber industry reform

  The German Ministry of Food and Agriculture's (BMEL) support programs for the modernization of the country's [...]

2020 performance in the Malaysian timber industry

  The Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) has reported last year’s performance of the timber sector. Exports were [...]

European imports of energy wood fall for the first time in 20 years

    After nearly 20 years of almost continuous growth, the value of energy wood imported to the [...]

Europe’s log supply to China is expected to return to normal after April

Due to the shortage of containers and heavy snow in Europe from January to February, after the price increase at [...]

Coronavirus pandemic continues to affect wood prices in Europe

    Tighter supplies of wood in global markets have increased wood prices in the last period and [...]

Austrian wood industry faces record softwood log prices

The Austrian wood industry has been severely impacted by the climate and corona crisis in 2020 which created difficult market [...]

New Zealand’s log export prices on the rise on rising demand in China

    The CFR prices have increased for New Zealand radiata pine logs due to solid demand, reduced [...]