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North American lumber prices not expected to drop soon

   Industry experts hopeful prices could begin to decline in second half of 2021   Lumber prices in [...]

Lumber prices impact U.S. housing starts

February’s housing start numbers have been disappointing for the housing market. Housing starts fell last month by 10.3 [...]

Significant wood product trade impact as UK leaves the EU single market

    UK trade with the EU is now governed by the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement [...]

German export value of logs and lumber has increased 63% the past five years

The softwood timber harvest in Germany is likely to reach almost 50 million m3 in 2020, about ten million m3 [...]

Global roundwood market expected to grow in the next years as demand rises

The global roundwood market is estimated at a huge figure of approx. $312B, which equals to near 2 billion cubic [...]

German woodworking machinery manufacturer cancels Ligna 2021 participation

Leading German woodworking machinery manufacturer Martin has cancelled its participation in this autumn’s Ligna exhibition due to uncertainty over [...]

Global demand for European sawn softwood sees sharp rise

Internationally, sawn softwood consumption is concentrated around 3 equivalent poles: Europe, Asia and North America. Demand is well oriented there [...]

China and Finland forced to find alternative sources for Russian roundwood

    Russia has been one of the largest roundwood traders globally for many years by exporting roughly [...]

Bark beetle damage in Europe could be significantly reduced due to favorable climatic factors

    If there is no large-scale drought in 2021, it will effectively reduce forest damage caused [...]