Article Archive

European parquet markets see accelerated rise, but face low availability of raw materials

The European parquet markets had generally slowly started the year with stable to slightly increasing consumption in January and February [...]

Germany: Massive exports to the US put pressure on domestic wood prices

The German wood market is divided into two parts. While wood prices are only rising very slowly for German forest [...]

Changing trends in China’s softwood lumber import market

    According to the statistics released by China Customs, China’s import volume of softwood lumber decreased [...]

Global sawlog prices rising on an upward trend

Global sawlog prices are on an upward trend as lumber consumption has surged in many parts of the world.  [...]

Forecast: Finland’s exports and prices of sawn timber expected to rise this year

The Finnish forest industry will be bouncing out of the coronavirus crisis this year and next, as the economies of [...]

Record rise in N. American lumber prices will not ease in the near future

    US prices for all categories of lumber break records as futures prices surge with no relief [...]

EPAL pallet production rises despite Covid-19 pandemic

    The European Pallet Association e.V. (EPAL) has again recorded an increase in the production of [...]

N. American lumber prices could very easily jump to new record highs this year

     Lumber prices in North America could head to $1300 per thousand board feet.   The [...]

Finland: Timber production and prices expected to rise this year

The use of wood will increase, and the volumes of timber harvesting and trade in Finland will clearly increase in [...]