South America

Timber trade associations criticize EU ban on wood imports from deforestation countries

In mid-November 2021, the EU Commission adopted a proposal for a ban on deforestation-free supply chains. The timber [...]

Chinese softwood lumber imports drop 26% in 2021

    China’s imports of softwood lumber in 2021 declined by -26.2% year-over-year to [...]

China to update phytosanitary requirements for pine logs and lumber imports

China’s General Administration of Customs released new phytosanitary requirements for pine logs and lumber from 7 countries (United States [...]

China’s demand for softwood logs expected to be reduced in Q1/2022

Softwood inventory levels in China have dropped slightly to 4.5mln m3 and daily offtake remains steady at 75k per [...]

Current trends in the global forest industry

    Record-high lumber prices in North America and Europe have moved both sawlog demand and values [...]

Mixed verdict on EUTR effectiveness

    The long awaited "Fitness Check" of the EUTR and the FLEGT Regulation was published on 17 [...]

Top global lumber companies: large acquisitions and expansions continue

With lumber companies being flush with cash from record prices in 2020 and 2021, there continues to be several new [...]

Deforestation-risk countries’ ban proposal would significantly alter and extend EUTR obligations

On 17 November 2021, the European Commission announced a Proposal for a new Regulation to reduce global deforestation and forest [...]

China: Rising volumes and CIF prices for log imports

According to China Customs, log imports in the third quarter of 2021 totalled 48.4 million cubic metres valued at [...]