South America

China: Cargo backlogs in Shanghai could cause next supply chain shockwave

Concern is growing that the spread of COVID cases and city lockdowns in China will have massive downstream effects for [...]

Current state of China’s log import market

While it appears that the upward pressure on shipping prices has abated, the China log demand has come off  from [...]

Sanctions against Russian exports to permanently alter the global trade of forest products

Lumber trade flows changed almost instantly when Russia invaded Ukraine in late February. Trade sanctions and restrictions in financial transactions [...]

China: Sharp rise in prices for imported softwood lumber

    According to data from China’s Customs 2021 lumber imports totaled 28.84 million cubic meters [...]

Global log supply to China remains subdued, prices rising

The issues around Evergrande and the wider issues in the Chinese construction industry seem to be worrying, however demand is [...]

EU’s deforestation-free regulatory proposal sparks intense debate

Intense negotiations are ongoing as the draft EU law on "deforestation-free" and "forest degradation-free" products, published by the [...]