South America

Global sawlog prices fall sharply in the first quarter of 2019

In the first quarter of 2019, the global sawlog prices fell to the lowest level in two years. Sawlog prices [...]

Wood products exports from Brazil went up by 29% during May

    In May 2019, Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 29% in [...]

Traders in Belgium and the Netherlands support combined FLEGT and EUTR licenses

    Although the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) has narrowed the supply base for tropical timber imported into [...]

New technology promises to create 3D printed wood products

A 3D printing process that uses a wood-based ink to produce components with the unique ‘ultrastructure’ of wood has [...]

Brazil: June price overview for various exported wood products

    Latest prices for Brazilian logs, sawnwood and plywood as of 1-15 June, 2019.   [...]

Global lumber-exporting countries increased their shipments in early 2019

    The uptick in demand for lumber continued in early 2019, with most of the major lumber [...]

Global trade of softwood lumber reaches the second highest level in history

    Global trade of softwood lumber reached 120 million m3 in 2018, the second highest level on [...]

Tropical timber imports to benefit from EU deforestation policies

Increasingly the twin concepts of “zero deforestation” and “embodied deforestation” lie at the heart of European policy making, both in [...]

Sonae-Arauco ceases laminate operations in Horn, Germany

    GHP Glunz Holzwerkstoffproduktions - GmbH (“GHP”) intends to cease all operations at its Horn Bad Meinberg site [...]

Brazilian plywood producers worried by fall in exports

    Exports of Brazilian plywood to the United States increased by more than 30 percent between 2017 [...]